Our Minister at Harrowby Lane Methodist Church is
Rev. Neil Maynard

Our Community Worker is Richard Thomas
Click on the pictures to contact them.
Our Vision and Values

- Birds of the air – come to rest (mustard seed parable)
- Non-judgemental attitude
- Encounter the presence of God
- To explore, ask questions
- To be real, honest
- Space appropriate to each
- Gracious culture

- People are changed, as they meet Jesus
- Renewing of the mind – new world view (The Kingdom of God)
- Continual transformation – i.e. journey
- Hunger for change
- Healing – body, mind and spirit (Acts 2:43-47)
- Transforming society
- Discipleship

- Outward looking culture
- Every member ministry
- Encouragement/support
- Accountability
- Training/equipping
- Whole life discipleship
- The ministry of blessing
Do I have to be a Christian to attend this church?
No we welcome everyone, whether you believe or not. We are happy to discuss faith with you and answer your questions and we run regular Alpha courses which are an opportunity to ask questions about God and Jesus and the Christian faith whilst sharing a meal. For more information and dates of our next course click on this link
Do I have to be a Methodist to attend?
Anyone can attend Harrowby lane, you don’t have to be a member to worship with us and can be part of any denomination.
I heard that the Methodists don’t drink alcohol, would I have to give up drinking if I came to church?
Contrary to popular belief it has never been a requirement of the Methodist church to give up alcohol; although, in the past, it was strongly encouraged. You will find that some of our members do not drink whilst others like a social drink occasionally. However we do not allow any alcohol in the church building and the ‘wine’ used when we have Holy Communion is actually red grape juice.
Is Harrowby Lane Methodist Church Accessible?
Harrowby Lane Methodist Church is step free throughout and has a lift to enable anyone to access the meeting rooms on the first floor. We also have a disabled toilet, larger print bibles and song books. If you have any specific questions about accessibility then please contact us
Our History

We have been meeting in Grantham since the 1920s, our first building was a wooden shed in Signal Road which was then moved to our current site in the 1950s and subsequently rebuilt as a brick building in the 1960’s. In 2004 our current building was opened and is used by us as a church and by lots of local groups as a community centre.
Harrowby Lane Methodist Church is part of the world-wide Connexion of Methodist Churches. For more information please have a look at the Methodist website.