Harrowby Lane Methodist Church offers a range of activities for children, including The Hub, Saturday Searchers and a baby & toddler group. All of our leaders are members of Harrowby Lane Church and have undertaken an enhanced DBS safety check; we are ever mindful of taking care of the young people entrusted to us.
Welcome to the Hub, our fortnightly group for primary school age children and their families. Join us to learn more about our Christian faith and stories from the Bible in a child friendly format.
Our activities are related to a theme for the day and the children (plus the grown ups) select which activities they wish to take part in.
We set up different activities each time including:
- Brick Church – lots of hands on building fun
- Sweaty Church – physical, fun activities using games and sport
- Muddy Church – exploring the beauty of outdoors
- Reflective Story Play Church – a quiet and reflective space
You can do some of each activity or stay on one – the choice is yours.
Drinks and food are provided for children and adults to enjoy together.
The Hub takes place on the 2nd and 4th Sunday each month between 3 and 5pm and is free to attend.
The 2nd Sunday is at church, the 4th Sunday is Muddy Church and we meet at the local woods and come back to church for tea. Look for the sign outside church for the next date and contact us for more information.
We look forward to welcoming you to our friendly group.
The Latest from the Hub
If you are between 5 years and 11 years old come and join us to have fun based on the stories from the Bible.
Take part in craft, drama, cooking, games and fun with a team of helpers who are looking forward to seeing you – come along with your friends and make new ones.. We meet from 10am to 12 on the first Saturday of the month and it is free to attend.
This group is for your children, adults do not need to stay.
Look out for the banner outside church for the next date
Our preschool group meets on Friday mornings from 9.30 to 11.30 am, term time only. It is free to attend and is for children and their adults. We have lots of fun running around and playing with the toys. Why not come along and then have a coffee in our Garden café afterwards?